Friday, December 18, 2009

Spilling the Beans

OK, so awhile back I told you I had a few more things to tell you about what's going in my life. I was waiting for everything to get planned out and all set, so here it is:

I am happy to announce that I was accepted into the direct entry masters in nursing program that I applied for this summer. I am really excited and have been running around trying to get all the requirements done in time-- buying my scrub uniform, taking a cpr class, and so forth. It starts at the end of January, and it will be a two year program.

So in two years, I will finally have a career for myself. I am also really excited about the Clinical Nurse Leader aspect of the program, as I will be able to utilize my MA in cultural anthropology to help improve care in the U.S. I am also really looking forward to using this expertise in India as well, and I do certainly plan on going back to India and I can combine my studies of child rights, education, etc with the field of medicine.

Another exciting piece of news-- I have planned a 20 day trip to go visit Vivek in Delhi before the program starts. Right after Christmas I'll be headed out. I really can't wait. Not only will I get to see and spend some more good quality time with Vivek before my academic program becomes crazy busy (the first semester will be 19 credits!) but I will also get to see my friends that I have not seen in over a year.

Anyways, that's all for now. I'm pretty excited for both of these events!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Saba's Tutor Update!

I finally got the update on what was purchased for Saba in addition to her tutor, through the generous donations of many of you... :)

Here is what she and her family received:

8 8 months Pvt.Tuitions for the child(grade-II)
1 School Uniform for the child
1 School Shoes for the child
1 School Bag for the child
32 24 Exercise Copies,7 Pens,1 candy for the child
1 Emergency Light
1 Pedestal Fan
2 2.5 kgs of Rice
1 Transport Cost

I will get a letter from Saba soon in the mail, but the Children International people were nice enough to forward me the photos and information electronically beforehand.